Natural essential oils - Hanus
In Slovak stores, it is very difficult to find really high-quality, unarmored essential oils. A few notable exceptions are some well-stocked pharmacies. I myself have tried a number of suppliers not only from Slovakia, but all over the world, and I have been surprised many times that I have received other (cheaper) goods of a different composition
and quality than stated. That is why I have decided to offer you essential oils from the Hanus company, whose products are characterized by pharmaceutical quality, for me personally TOP, where you do not have to worry about the authenticity of the composition. You will also find Hanus essential oils in our products, because quality should take
precedence over price. With these essential oils, you will find out how they actually smell :-).
AMYRIS 10ml - lat. Amyris balsamifera
Method of obtaining essential oil: by distillation of fresh crushed wood with steam-acne, dry skin, stretch marks, anti-inflammatory and regenerative properties, relaxing and sedative effects, calming effects on the body
Do not use during pregnancy and kidney disease. Not suitable for children.
LEMON (CITRÓN) 10ml - lat. Citrus limon
Method of obtaining essential oil: by distillation of young branches and leaves with steam
- respiratory tract infections, significant antibacterial effects, oily skin, dandruff, acne, anticonvulsant effects, indigestion, stress, improvement of concentration, such as protection against ticks
TEA TREE (ČAJOVNÍK) 10ml - lat. Melaleuca alternifolia
Method of obtaining essential oil: by distillation of young branches and leaves with steam
- broad-spectrum disinfectant effects, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory: infections of the skin and mucous membranes, mycoses, candida fungal diseases, anti-inflammatory effects, herpes, aphthae, nasal ulcers, ear pain, sore throat (inhalation with 10 drops of essential oil for cough), toothaches, sore gums, acne, cuts, nail infections, baby lice, mosquito bites, hemorrhages (a bath with 5-10 drops of essential oil has a calming effect on tired muscles, in fungal skin diseases)
EUCALYPTUS 10ml - lat. Eucalyptus globulus
Method of obtaining essential oil: by distillation of fresh leaves with steam
- inflammation of the respiratory tract and beneficial cavities, cold, fever, cough (1 drop of essential oil with honey, for colds, rhinitis), hay fever, asthma, rheumatism, to disinfect the air of the room in case of infectious diseases (evaporators, humidifiers)
Do not use for epilepsy, high blood pressure and homeopathic remedies. For infants and young children under three years of age, indoor and outdoor use is not recommended, except for use in aroma lamps. Essential
oil can irritate the skin when used outdoors, so follow the instructions.
CLOVE (KLINČEK) 10ml - lat. Syzygium aromaticum
Method of obtaining essential oil: by distillation of fresh leaves with steam
- toothache, antibacterial and antifungal effects, aphthae, rheumatism, gout (beware of skin irritation)
For external use only. Possibility of skin irritation.
LEMONGRAS 10ml - lat. Cymbopogon citratus
For external use only. Possibility of skin irritation.
- respiratory tract infections, antiseptic effects, fungal foot
diseases, rheumatism, repellent effects (dripping essential oil on the wrists and ankles), to disinfect room air in infectious diseases (evaporators), moth repellents, in larger dilutions essential oils to protect animals from animals fleas and ticks, cellulite, muscle pain andfatigue, bleeding effects on the skin and during convalescence, nervous
tension, anti-stress effects
For external use only. Necessary to dilute essential oil, the possibility of irritating sensitive skin.
LAVENDER (LEVANDUĽA) úzkolistá 10ml - lat. Lavandula angustifolia x latifolia
Method of obtaining essential oil: by distillation of fresh flowers and stems with steam
- antiseptic effects, burns (even after the sun), acne, eczema, respiratory diseases, anti-inflammatory effects, anticonvulsant effects, rheumatism, nervous tension, insomnia, migraines, baby lice, minor burns (prevents the formation of blisters and accelerates healing, healing healing) , rubbing the sleeping part of the head during migraines, insect bites
TANGERINE (MANDARÍNKA) 10ml - lat. Citrus reticulata Blanko
Method of obtaining essential oil: cold pressing of fresh fruit
- antiseptic, antifungal effects, digestive problems, bile-forming and anticonvulsant effects, mental stimulation, calming effect on the nervous system, oily skin, clogged pores, acne, disinfectant effects, promoting wound healing, scars (increasing the effect of nerol and lavender), cellulite, mycosis
Possibility of allergic reaction. Do not expose to sunlight after application.
CURLY MINT (MÄTA KUČERAVÁ) 10ml - lat. Mentha spicata var. crispa
Method of obtaining essential oil: by distillation of flowering vapor with steam
- airway inflammation, cold, rhinitis, rheumatism, cough (1 drop of essential oil with honey), colic, dental neuralgia, itching, nausea, headache, migraines, muscle pain
Not suitable for children under 5 years. Do not use in homeopathic treatment.
ORANGE (POMARANČ) sladký (sweet) 10ml - lat. Citrus aurantium var. dulce
Method of obtaining essential oil: cold pressing of fresh fruit
- antiseptic effects, skin regeneration, digestive problems, nervousness, anxiety, stress, insomnia
Possibility of allergic reaction. Do not expose to sunlight after application.
ROSEMARY (ROZMARÍN) 10ml - lat. Rosmarinus offi
Method of obtaining essential oil: by distillation of flowering vapor with steam- antiseptic effects, dandruff, strong sebum production in the scalp), inflamed skin, rheumatism, muscle pain, physical weakness, convulsions, nervous irritability, repellent effects
Do not use during pregnancy, epilepsy, high blood pressure and kidney disease. For external use only. Do not massage directly on varicose veins.
CINNAMON (ŠKORICA) 10ml - lat. Cinnamomum cassia
Method of obtaining essential oil: by distillation of fresh leaves and shoots with steam-gingivitis, significant antiseptic effects, muscle pain, stimulating massages, caution severely irritating to the skin
For external use only. Possibility of skin irritation. For outdoor use, the essential oil must be diluted with vegetable oil
THYME (TYMIÁN) 10ml - lat. Thymus vulgaris
Method of obtaining essential oil: by distillation of partially dried water with steam
- significant effects against viruses, bacteria and fungi, inflammation of the oral cavity, ear infections, muscle and joint rheumatism, sore throats, respiratory infections, anticonvulsant effects, disorders of the intestinal microflora and digestion (not for a long time), nervous tension, antidepressant, fatigue
Do not use in kidney and liver diseases. For outdoor use, the essential oil must be diluted with vegetable oil. Possibility of skin irritation.
YLANG YLANG 5ml - lat. Cananga odorata
Method of obtaining essential oil: by distillation of fresh flowers with steam
- antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects, skin and hair diseases (all skin types, normalizes sebum production), erotic effects on mental and sexual stimulation, nervous tension, depression
For external use only. Exceeding doses may cause headaches.
For more detailed information on the use of essential oils, click on We recommend Nitra to visit and buy essential oils directly in the Hanus store on Vodná Street.
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